July Highlights: Summer Camp Kick-off + More!

Summer Camp has begun, and we are so excited to be back together with our friends once again! We have spent the past week getting to know one another and trying to beat the heat as we celebrated the wonderful country we live in! Canada is filled with all kinds of wonderful animals, people, places and things and we have …

June Highlights: Bugs, Butterflies and Bubbles!

Planting in the Nature Classroom (Toddlers Harvie) Our toddlers have been noticing plants growing in the Peace Garden in the School Age Yard. What better way to explore this further then to plant in our own garden boxes! Britney and AS looked in our classroom for some seeds and came across carrots, cucumbers, and watermelon. Our preschool friends were even …

Friends, Family & a Farewell to the Forest! (June 25-27 2018)

Monday marked our last day in the forest as well as the beginning of our last week together in Forest School.  Where has the past year gone? We made our way to the forest where we were excited to greet the flora and fauna with our good morning songs and cheers of “Good Morning Forest!”.   At our circle, we read …

On the Lookout (June 18-22 2018)

Monday morning we had to battle the thick, humid air and the mosquitoes!  It was cooler in the forest than out in the open but we had to keep moving to keep the bugs at bay.  We decided to do a forest scavenger hunt. We divided into small groups with each group having its own collecting bag, scavenger hunt sheet …

Birds & Butterflies! (June 20/18)

Forest kindergartners were full of stories of woodpeckers seen feeding at the suet feeder last week.  Most were quick to identify the pileated and downy woodpecker (singing stuffed birds) during opening circle.  Friends recalled sounds that chipmunks and squirrels make that could sound similar to birds and each had a local bird to explore with.  Excited to see how familiar …

New Found Forest Friends (June 15/18)

Friday morning we finally made our way back to the forest after a wonky week with threatening weather and time spent in the garden and the Nature Classroom.  We came together to share the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” By Eric Carle which seemed fitting after having released the butterflies we raised in the classroom just the day before. We …

Contributing to Early Childhood Education

Recently Karen contributed her expertise in childcare to an Early Childhood Education textbook. She wrote two pages on Journey and Floor Books! The pages she authored feature images taken from the Discovery Childcare Centres. The following is quoted material written by Karen for the ECE textbook Journey Books At Discovery Child Care Centre, our teachers use journey books as one …

Party Prep and Fungus Finds! (June 4-8 2018)

Monday morning we headed out to our garden with a very special plan in mind.  Our herbs and flowers have been growing like crazy with the sunshine we had been having lately and we thought we could use them for our special plan.  With the end of our Forest School Year quickly approaching, we had been planning a party to …