Earth Day Discovery Child Care

Making Earth Day Magic in the Kindergarten Room

Every Day is Earth Day in the Kindergarten program with the children always aware of their impact on the planet we call home and their kindheartedness towards the natural world.  I wasn’t surprised when the snow melted and the children began to notice the garbage on the ground and in the forest we love so much.  I can’t count the …

Mind Mapping with Children

Mind Mapping Our Experience Creates a Story

The high wind gusts kept us from the forest on Tuesday but the kinders made the best of the circumstances. We came together to talk about the change in plans and to create a new plan for our morning together. Collectively, the children opted to take a walk offsite to see what we notice and to play amongst the white …

The WHY, HOW, & WHAT of Gardening with Children

WHY:  Gardening with children can be a fun and educational activity that provides numerous benefits. Here are some reasons why gardening with children is important: Educational benefits: Gardening provides children with a hands-on learning experience about the natural world. Children can learn about plant growth and development, the role of pollinators, and the importance of soil health.  Encourages healthy eating habits: …

Growing beans

Creating an Indoor Bean Garden

The kinders have been rediscovering the wonders of gardening even as the earth rests for the winter. While exploring outside together, BW, HV and CL found some white little “things” near the end of the skating rink, under some brush.  “I found Something!” called BW.  When April ventured closer to see what they had discovered, she wondered aloud what they …


Where Seven Ripe Strawberries Can Lead Us!

The Kinders have experienced their first harvest of the season!  We were delighted to discover just a few ripe strawberries in our very hot and very humid  patch but, as you’ll see, this isn’t really about the strawberries but, rather, where the discovery of exactly seven ripe strawberries combined with emergent learning can lead our program to go and grow …

Forest School Outdoor Play

Play, Learning, Wonder, Experimentation, and Joy

A stick, a branch, a log.   These parts of trees that once stood tall and mighty are some of the natural loose parts our Kindergarten children have been drawn to over the course of our time together.  While the children are very unique and have a unique array of skills, ideas and interests on any given day, the use of …

Discovery Childcare Outdoor Learning

Reciprocity and Connection as a Natural Guide for Learning

The  children have been delighting in their reciprocal relationship with winter birds.  The children sing in the forest;  the birds sing back to us, the  children offer nourishment to the birds in the form of sunflower seeds; they, in turn, nourish the curiosity of the children and their desire to be closer to the birds by gracing us with their …

It’s More Than a Location…It’s a Way of Being

Nature Pedagogy, Forest School, Free Range…the spectrum within the world of Nature Pedagogy is vast and encompasses many different, valuable perspectives. The way in which educators and organizations make decisions about which ethos most closely aligns with their values takes time, reflection, and lots of research. This way of being will look different to each educator and organization based on …